WATCHINGSEX 2012                                                                                                                                              ISSUE 16


Everyone has heard of drag queens but when someone starts talking about drag kings people get a little confused.  Just to make sure everyone is on the same page…A drag queen is a man who impersonates a woman; a drag king is a woman who impersonates a man .  It’s a play on sex and royalty, get it?  This brings us to the Voyeur’s newest superstars.  They are suave, they are sexy, and they are one bad ass group of performers.  Let me introduce you to, The Royal Renegades…

I started my pursuit in the spring of 2008.  A friend had given me an old issue of Bitch magazine and said there was an article in there I might be interested in.  I do not know how she knew I’d find Kings interesting but she was right.  I knew we had a drag king troupe in Columbus, Ohio but I had only caught glimpses of them over the years; a brief glance at Pride, a missed show at the local club.  It was not until Viva Valezz! spoke about the International Drag King Extravaganza that I finally caught up with them.  Well…almost.  I sort of missed the convention.  I sort of missed all the kings and went straight to the ladies.  But, my heart was in the right place, it was my head that got side tracked.  Okay, to be quite honest I cannot remember how I found out about The Reverend Roy Rogers and the rest of The Royal Renegades.  But I knew they were around…


The Reverend Roy Rogers greets his congregation
 at the filming of their Pride Promo video in 2009.

Pepe the Pocket Rocket chats with fellow church members
at the filming of their Pride Promo video in 2009.


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