UNDERGROUNDBLACK2008                                                                                                                                       ISSUE 8

THE VOYEUR: How did you come up with the name Roveen?

Nolan: We came up with the name Roveen one day when we were driving home from Wendy's and we had a show the next day and we were like "man we need a name ASAP” and as we turned on to the street we lived on, Roveen Avenue, a kid in the car with us was like "Dude, just name it Roveen."  After we laughed for a while at how lame we thought it was we said, "Ok" and then never changed it.

Did you all really get inked? Whose idea was it?

Chris: Hell yes we did, we all got the Roveen R on our forearm.  I don't know whose idea it really was to get it done we all just kind of thought it would be cool to get it tattooed somewhere, originally we wanted to get it on our necks but then we thought that was a little intense and went with the arm.

Tell us about the day you ran into Chris in Arizona…
Noah: Haha, well we had been posting ads on myspace and all those sites looking for someone to sing for our band and Chris had replied to our ad.  We just kinda thought yeah yeah he'll
never show like the rest of em. So we had set up a time to meet at a restaurant near the band house and surprisingly he showed. He rode the city bus for like three hours just to get there...he was decked out in his G&R apparel and bandana...totally Axl Rose. We thought holy crap this is gonna be hilarious. And it was. We talked for a bit, went to jam and ended up writing and recording a song the very first day. We just all hit it off from the get go and have been best friends since that day.

Chris at what age did you realize you could sing? Any stories about it?

Chris: I realized I could sing around age 18.  I started out just singin along to "Appetite for Destruction" haha and the first Audioslave album, and after meeting Noah and Nolan I realized that this is what I want to do with my life and started developing my own sound from that point.


Chris - Vocals                               Photo Tim Harmon



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