Gabe: I like so many comedians.. I really hate to pick a favorite. DreamaTheEditor: Yeah, its difficult when there are so many out there. Did you model yourself after anyone in particular? Gabe: Nope...Not really...Just kinda wrote and acted like myself. I always kinda wanted an alter ego...But I never got around to it. I was kind of a happy depressed sarcastic guy. "Sarcasm Refined." DreamaTheEditor: We are all about the dark side here. Gabe: I was, after all, a redheaded stepchild.. (Carrot Top was taken) DreamaTheEditor: I never liked Carrot Top anyway, Redheaded Stepchild is so much better. Gabe: I have a brutal honest side. Sarcasm is an art I always say.. Also.. for as happy as I project I'm a complete pessimist.. I love to think about how much my life sucks.. :-) I love to point out the hell that the world is slowly declining into. Dark? Ha! I invented Dark. Well...I didn't invent dark. But I refined it. :-) Just like sarcasm. Bet you didn't know that. I don't trust happy people. They frighten me. I mean, c'mon, aren't they paying attention? DreamaTheEditor: I know more than most give me credit for, muhahaha. Gabe: Hehe - I like are somewhat jaded. Jaded is good. DreamaTheEditor: Aah, jaded...I haven't been called jaded since I was 15. Gabe: Jaded is at least honest. Ever get the feeling that most happy people are just confused? DreamaTheEditor: I don't really know any happy people. Gabe: Happy people suck. Gabe: I like miserable people. :-) More to work with. DreamaTheEditor: Yeah, Joel's been rather miserable lately, the blue goes with his eyes. This Black Issue could be a problem though...I should have made him wear pink. He may just blend right into the background. DreamaTheEditor: Do you have any favorite artists? This magazine does try to be on the art side from time to time. Gabe: Kandinski is my favorite artist. I love his abstract. DreamaTheEditor: Has his work influenced your life in any way? Comedy? Fashion? Gabe: I decorate with his work in my house. :-) I have abstracts all over. I like that his work isn't "of something." It can be anything anyone wants it to be. That is how I feel about life. I'm an abstract.. What Jim thinks of me is different than what you think of me is different than what Lisa thinks of me and is completely fucking different from what my Granny thinks of me. Poor Joel. Perhaps Joel needs to consider pot? :-) (hehe - just kidding....mostly) DreamaTheEditor: I think Grannies appear to be more happy than they are, I always wonder what they are really thinking... |
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