Showering is another
bathroom event that needs mentioning. I firmly believe that just because my arm
is going to be stinky for six weeks does not mean the rest of me has to follow
suit. It is imperative that the cast stays dry or it will get mushy and
eventually fall off. I tested this theory in a Nashville hotel back in 1978.
Indeed, after an hour of soaking that baby in the shower I was able to tear
the cast from my right arm. It was there to keep my thumb immobile but the smell
became unbearable driving cross country and I hadn’t even reached Newark. My
thumb has made strange noises ever since. This has hindered my hitchhiking
career by scaring off potential rides. I know now that the term of arm
imprisonment is directly proportional to the healing process. So, the After the bathroom festivities are complete I am so exhausted I often go back to bed for a nap. Once refreshed, I get dressed hoping that the pillow lines will be off my face by the time I get to work. The only real problem I have when putting on clothes is getting my socks on. If the tops of the socks are tight it is nearly impossible to put them on. I have to spread the top out with my hand and snag them on my big toe. I then pull across the toes and up over the foot. I once rocketed a sock across the room and almost put the dog’s eye out. I used to have many pairs of tight socks. I now have none as I have cut the elastic out of the tops. They are easier to put on but people at work call me “droopy ankle” because they flop over the top of my shoes. As far as shoes go, I wear slip-ons. I once struggled so hard to tie my shoes that I worked up enough of a lather that I had to start the whole shower thing all over again. After my truck driver like cursing about this dexterity debacle, the wife suggested that during my shower I should use some soap in my mouth, too. |
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