DOWNUNDERURBANHEAT2008                                                                                                                                       ISSUE 9

THE VOYEUR:  This may be a dumb question but for some of us the internet is the only traveling we do.  What is it like living in Perth, Australia?

NELSON CLEMENTE:  Recently a friend of mine from LA came to visit Perth for the first time and he said he wants to live here. He had lunch at the seaside and was amazed at our beaches. Perth is the most remote capital city in the world. The air is clean. The weather is one of the best we have in Australia. Unfortunately, it is too far away from the music centres of the world, so sooner or later I'll need to move. Otherwise, I'd call Perth the best place on Earth!

What CD is in your car stereo right now?

Hej Matematik. I don't know what they're saying, but they make a mighty beat! (
http://www. myspace. com/hejmatematik)

What are you wearing right now? (It is an integral part of the Fashion aspect of our magazine…I swear.)


Do you have a story behind any of the songs on your new album that you would like to share?

There are stories behind all of them! The most complex and emotionally disturbing is "Its All My Fault."  I've started talking to a film maker who is interested in a storyline for a video of this song. He specializes in films that are a bit left of centre and
have strange themes. We're talking about the things we think of during break ups and manifesting them in a literal sense. Scary.

Photo by Jon Lloyd PhotoCreative


How difficult is it getting things started and completed when making an album?

Personally the most difficult part is the financial aspect and time needed to do them. It has been one of the most challenging things I've ever done (and still doing). Sometimes people offer you help and you're just so grateful that they're there.

Photo by Nelson Clemente


All images/graphics are copyright ©2008 nelsonclemente
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