DEVIANTSURBANHEAT2008                                                                                                                      ISSUE 9


Dear Joel...
Sent in by
Gary Miller



Love The Black Issue!
Amazing BTW, Finally Got Some Time To Finish Reading It!





The Voyeur Mag just rocks! If there is a cool photo op out there I will send it to you ;-D  I see some awesome stuff in my line of work.

Take care & Happy V-D day!





Dreama...did you and Joel work on 'THE VOYEUR' in this little shop? You must have because you turned out another top notch issue. Congratulations on a job well done.


Sent in by
Gary Miller
    Joel...A splendid job on 'THE BLACK VOYEUR'. Kudos to you and Dreama.




Love the black issue! Glad Dreama got you to work! ♥




Ok first....
I LOVE the site!
I love that made me damn near cry!
did i tell you i love the site?lol
And you're welcome for the song list!
(you did mean ME right?)LOL

Anyway, it is very cool!
now, I'm going back to take a look-see some more of your site!


Hells yeah!!!

I love it!!! 

Matt's Birthday was yesterday too, so this was PERFECT TIMING!

We were at dinner and he mentioned he got an email from you, but he hadn't read it.  I was like WHOA wait up, so I checked my Yahoo email on my Bbry right in the middle of dinner and saw the first page come up and I was like OH YEAH!  Anyhoo we LOVE IT! 

Great job!  I had forgotten that I had written any poetry or anything, so that was a nice plus too!    I love your Etrain article!!!  I think it is my FAVE so far! 

I am so excited!  GREAT JOB DREAMA AND JOEL!

Love you!







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