POLITICSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15                                                                                                                                  

Maybe the evolution process is setting up the conditions for women to dominate the planet, in numbers and in rule. I understand that this could be a reach, but for argument’s sake, it seems reasonable to me to think that if this is a male dominated world and the byproduct of that is that the earth is being thrown off balance, with power driven, anger driven, sexual driven decisions -- then in order to re-center, evolution would adjust itself accordingly. I personally feel that if women had a higher role in decision making it would less often come from places of power and anger and sexual desire, but instead be dealt with from a much softer, more nurturing approach. But that aside, if for no other reason than population levels alone, it would make more sense that this world would benefit with a decrease in the male population, because a decrease in the women population would not serve our species as a whole.

We need this planet in order to survive yet we are raping this earth of its space and resources. No matter if earth was created amidst interconnected chaos (evolution) or created with a purpose by a divine being -- in either scenario we are morally accountable to take care of this planet. If we were created from evolution alone, then so was this planet, and in essence we are one with this planet and we ought to respect ourselves. If god created this planet, I can assume pretty confidently this god did not intend for us to destroy it, for that would be disrespecting the creation of earth. And in both circumstances, it cannot be denied that we need this planet to survive.

 Humans (as of now) can only survive on earth, so it serves our species well to keep our planet alive, and more importantly, flourishing.


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