POLITICSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15                                                                                                                                  

Which brings me to the concerns of homosexuals getting married. This usually falls under the religious argument as well, because the bible/god states that it is a sin to act on homosexual urges. Since marriage, often times, is a ceremony performed by the church, it is argued that if god thinks homosexuality is a sin, then those marriages should not be held in churches, or recognized in the name of god. There is a flaw in this argument though, if the bible in fact is gods word, and if the bible is alive and always changing, and if we can dismiss the fact that genocide and rape and slavery used to be “okay” or excuse those commandments because mankind interpreted god’s word wrong, then why is it so hard to believe that maybe we misunderstood the part about homosexual behavior, as well? Or in that same vain, if the bible was completely written by man and god played no part in the bible, then why is it so hard to believe that thousands of years ago, maybe homosexuality was in fact not beneficial to our species, or so unheard of at that point that it was simply feared. . .? But as we have progressed as a species, not only could it be acceptable now, but also beneficial. 

I questioned earlier, why a homosexual person should have to suppress who they feel the truly are? It is argued from a religious standpoint and a biological standpoint that homosexuality is a choice... that someone who is having homosexual desires can choose to act otherwise, therefore in not doing so they are going against what’s natural. Now, I can only truly speak for me and from my experience, but there is no way anyone can tell me that at five and six years old, I was choosing to be queer. I asked my mom to buy me boy’s underwear. I tried to pee standing up. I wanted stereotypical boy toys, played boys sports.

I had major penis envy. I had crushes on all my friends’ older sisters and my female teachers. I didn’t even know what it meant to be a homosexual until I was at least twelve. I didn’t come out until I was fourteen. I didn’t have sex until I was fifteen.... my point is, prior to having sex and prior to knowing what it meant to be homosexual -- how can one be choosing to be that way?


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