WATCHINGTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15                                                                                                                                   


Whether or not this has to do directly with Bettie can be debated, but there is something to be said about such observations.  Being a non-blonde myself I remember the pressure as a teen about getting highlights or going blonde.  I always wanted to go black.  The disgusted faces were insulting but I held my ground. When I finally did (unknowingly after the Bettie Page uprising) I got a lot of positive feedback.  The most memorable was in an elevator. 

“You have Bettie Page hair,” I heard.

I smiled at the guy standing next to me.  I said, "Thank you," without really thinking about what he was implying.

Dreama                                             Photo by Dreama Cleaver


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