SKELETONSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15


Being born in America, and not having traveled abroad, I can only speak for things I’ve observed on the east coast of the United States.  But these observations are enough to keep us busy for several pages.

According to some psychologists adult behaviors can stem from as early on as potty training.  According to Freud people may be messier in their habits if their potty training was not strict enough, and just the opposite, they can be very straight and narrow if their experience was unusually strict.  It has been said that this can affect how they keep their house and even how they relate to others.

Going by my own bathroom habits I find mine stem from life experience.  I vaguely remember potty training and aside from falling into the toilet from time to time my parents were not "unusually" either way.  I do have a lot of trust issues when it comes to restrooms but from having been walked in on several times throughout my childhood I think this makes more sense.  In my adult life, I am at the point where unless there is a lock on the door I will not even think about going into the bathroom. If I am with someone I trust I will have them stand outside and guard for me.

Bidet in India                                                                           Photo by Jim

Photo by Dreama

Another pet peeve I have is gabby bathroom partners.  I often ask men if they have the problem of other men talking to them while they are trying to go.  Most say no.  I feel this behavior could be due to the more anonymous style of women’s restrooms where the stalls are closed and private.  Since a urinal is open and out there, privacy for a man would be just keeping his mouth shut and trying to pretend the other does not exist.

My most recent experience in a women’s restroom that showcases this unique and special bond that women apparently have happened over St. Patrick’s Day weekend.  Now, in the women’s defense, alcohol was involved.  I was wearing my special dress from India and it was a little out of place for the casual bar I was in.  It caught the attention of a bathroom patron and she spoke about it while entering the restroom, entering the stall, while I was washing my hands, and so on.  I’ve never been much of a bonder so rudely I left her, mid-speak.

Complimentary tampons at OSU                                                     Photo by Dreama

Later, after entering that same restroom the ladies in line casually chatted with me about the weather, the dress, the wait, whatever, yeah.  To our surprise, two ladies came out of a stall in front of us and one said out loud for all to hear.  “My best friend just peed between my legs.”  Ah, to be young and intoxicated.


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