SKELETONSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15


Jim's India Trip: "They give you all the often forgotten stuff with a Re- name.
I can't help to wonder if it's all Re-Cycled! I have my own thanks!"
Photo by Jim

At home I could see why a man using my bathroom would be a problem.  I have to clean it.  For some years there has been an ongoing battle between men and women about toilet seat up and toilet seat down and of course cleanliness.  My solution has always been to install a urinal for your man.  Though it seems a little extravagant cleaning would be a snap.

But not all women have hang ups about men.  At another gay bar, The Voyeur’s own Jim almost followed me into the women’s restroom.  He caught himself and backed out but the woman following behind me said, “Oh, it's okay you can go in.” 

He didn’t actually have to go but it was nice of her all the same.

Our online survey about bathroom behaviors revealed lots of interesting habits and concerns of our readers.  The top behavior was an awareness of noise in the restroom.  Most said they try to be quieter or are concerned with others hearing them.  Cleanliness, is also an issue, most watch out for left behind mess or are more likely to wash their hands.  Some people only use public restrooms for certain tasks, depending on their personal choices.  (You know what I mean!)

Viva Valezz!              Photo by JC Photos


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