SKELETONSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15


"My friend likes to take pictures of people on the toilet or in the bath. I have many of myself."


"I had a guy sitting next to me in the stall sound like he was dropping bombs in the toilet. I would hear him grunt, shart, and then a huge splash almost like he was literally dropping off his kids at the pool."

"The second and equally most odd experience was this old guy that gives you a hand towel and bath soap in this one club. He's really nice, speaks hardly any English but will watch you doing your business - either like he's ready to pounce you or like he's just that prepared to squirt soap in your hand and hand you a towel to dry your hands with. AWKWARD."


"We have a very rustic campsite with an outhouse. You can leave the door open and look out to the woods while you do your "do", it's not bizarre but I'm not real good at toilet recollecting..."

Blue wanted so much to be human       Photo by Gary

"Part of the floor fell in."


When Dad's away, kitty will play                                             Photo by Todd

"Someone being half asleep and almost sitting on me."


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