GETTINDOWNTOBUSINESS2009                                                                                                            ISSUE 10

Walk with VSGal to the heart of Atlanta, Georgia where
she finds a group of amazing young Fashion Designers
and their teacher, E. Vincent Martinez.  This is no ordinary
class.  It's the only fashion course offered at a high school
in the entire nation.  And we have the exclusive interview
right here!
VSGal and ETrain are at it again.  See what they are getting into this time with guest appearances by Alex & Eric...I always knew those girls were up to no good!

Joel has had this idea up his sleeve for sometime now.  There are two articles featured in this NEW section of The Voyeur!

THETRAVELINGBUSINESSMAN featuring our very own and very new WhoLeoMan and WHATDOESTHEBINNISSUITMEANINBUSINESS featuring our very own, and mildly pesky, Joel Voyeur!


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