POLITICSGETTINDOWNTOBUSINESS2009                                                                                                                                       ISSUE 10
            So, while most people said that celebrity opinions don’t affect them, it seems that this may be an understatement.  Why else would the Dixie Chick’s record sales suddenly go down or other artists’ suddenly go up?  As The Voyeur's Model, VSGal put it, “it could be good for the celebrity’s personal publicity."  A few other people pointed out that they pay good money to hear music, not a political diatribe.  Staff Writer Gabe said, “I hate it when I pay my money to attend a concert and then they preach to me about who and why and how I should vote.  If I wanted a political opinion I'd read or watch the news."  Reader Elena commented, “I HATE when entertainers (musicians) spew their political opinions in concerts.  I think there is a time and a place for everything and I do not pay good money to hear them talk about politics."

Everyone seems to admire musicians,   
    even Joel has a go at Rock Band.

            So, if it isn’t a massive, drawn out speech, maybe the fans would be more receptive to simply hearing an opinion, rather than being force-fed a verbal political recount of the state of the country and who is responsible for what.

            There were a few outliers.  One response was very different and included this statement from Reader Julie, “Remember, 'Loose lips sink ships.'-- It is better they remain silent about political stance because they tend to tarnish their reputations and mislead people." 

            Maybe the question should have been 'in what way a person is affected when the celebrity voices a political opinion that is grounded and factual?' … because certainly no one wants to hear an ill-informed opinion receive massive public attention and then sway the lemmings.  Overall, most people felt that celebrities do have a right to an opinion and to voicing that opinion.


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