LURKINGGREEN2010                                                                                                                                      ISSUE 13

When I left the LIFE CAFE, I went back to the "Green" line bus number 6 again, but this time I headed farther downtown.

I went to the docks way down at the Brooklyn Bridge, here is where I visited the pier for the Staten Island Ferry. Upon which I pulled out my IPod and started listening to Ragtime: The Musical; this would kill two birds with one stone, Broadway, and it was relevant to going near Ellis Island and seeing ‘’Lady Liberty’’ because of the shows plot.

Seeing the Statue of Liberty was liberating, you hear stories of people coming to America, and that this is one of the first things they get to see.

Being there to see it in person just makes you think that even though maybe you didn’t journey far to be here, that perhaps someone else who did will have a brilliant and safe trip and come to love your homeland.






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