FASHIONSEX2012                                                                                                                                             ISSUE 16


It was a rare opportunity for The Voyeur this day.  We sat with She and chatted about clothes, people, and other things that were on our minds.  So much that we are only able to share half of the interview, the other half will be released at a later date.   Until then, enjoy what we have learned from She...


The Voyeur:  Tell me about yourself...

She:  In real life, I’m 35 years old.  I’m a college graduate. I was born and raised in rural Ohio from a white middle class family. My parents are both college educated and married to one another. I had a normal childhood. And I’m an atheist. 

The Voyeur:  What was your religion growing up? 

She:  I was raised Catholic. 

Did you do normal Catholic things? 

We did. We went to church every Sunday.  I went to catechism classes for years. 

Did you go to Catholic school? 

No, I went to public school. 

What would you say your personality is in day to day life, when you aren’t working? 

(Laughing) Harsh.  Apparently harsh and unpleasant and unfriendly.  Insulting and quirky.  I don’t play well with others. 

Have you always been like that? 

Yeah.  I always had trouble fitting in. 

Do you have brothers and sisters? 

I have one younger brother. 

Do you get along with him? 

Yeah, we get along.  We’re not very close but we get along fine.  I’m going to visit him this weekend for Christmas.

Oh yeah, Christmas.  But you’re an atheist. 

I see Christmas as a secular holiday so I do still celebrate Christmas. 

So your background is normal. Nothing unusual. 

No. I was not sexually abused by a cult or anything like that. 

Do you drink or smoke, or have you ever experimented with drugs? 

No.  The first time I saw cocaine was when I was working.  I was a little bit tempted to try it just because it was the first time I ever seen it, I thought, hmmm.  But I didn’t do it. 

So have you ever drunk, like social drinking? 

Well, I’ve seen alcohol and tasted it.  It’s evil!  But, no, I’ve never been a drinker.  I’ve never been drunk.  It doesn’t seem pleasant. 

What made you decide to choose your profession? 

It pays well…Years ago, I don’t get to tell this story very often anymore because everyone I know already knows it. Years ago, I was, lets see, how old would I have been then?…This was in nineteen…I hate to tell you how long ago it was but I’m going to tell you anyway…This was in 1998 and I caught my live-in boyfriend who I was engaged to be married to, in less than six months – we’d already set a wedding date, put a deposit on the church – I caught him cheating on me in the same week that I got fired from my job and my father got cancer.  So now I needed a new job and was feeling a little bit extra reckless.  Cause I was…you know, kinda freaked out.  So I answered an ad in the, if you remember back then they used to advertise such things in the Dispatch, and I answered an ad in the Dispatch, which just said WOMEN$$$ and I thought…And I kind of knew what it was but there was still…because you felt like it was advertised in the paper. How could it be anything illicit? It was in the fucking Dispatch!  But, again, I needed a new job anyway and I was feeling kind of reckless and was probably not making super good decisions and then I thought to myself, well, I’ll go to the interview and I’ll go by myself and no one will ever know… And if it’s…I’ll just turn around and leave and I’ll never tell anyone.  No one will ever know but me.  And I went and they were very nice.  They were very nice, they were very friendly, and I felt very comfortable there and, of course, the pay was really high. And I thought, hmmm…I’ll come back tomorrow.  And there ya go.  And so it was not an especially good decision at the time probably, but it worked out really well for me.


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