WATCHINGBLACK2008                                                                                                                                       ISSUE 8


          "I came from a suburb called Slacks Creek in the city of Brisbane and I lived on the wrong side of the most people we were kind of poor and my big sister was sort of my best friend and still is...but when she first got a car it was the best thing that ever happened to me because it meant that we could escape.  And we would sit in that car and it was ugly!  It was bright yellow.  I always have this joke about cars and you go into the showroom and you say...
          'Mmmm, I love it...but do you have it in bright yellow?'

Darren and Steve sing 'Casey.'

          I can't imagine anyone ever wanting that but this was called a Holden Kingswood and it was like the Griswold's car.  And it had a rusty floor bottom where you could see the street through it and it used to use up so much gas.  But when we were in this she would take me down the southeast freeway and we would go to the beach and we would listen to the radio and we didn't even have FM radio but we could hear my favorite songs and we could hear music and I swear to God that was the moment I knew that I wanted to sing for the rest of my life.  Because when I sang I felt free..." ~Darren on 'Casey'



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