VOIDBLACK2008                                                                                                                                      ISSUE 8

          Over the years, worry-energy had gathered in the four corners of my room.  Money worries, health worries, career worries, family worries, they all accumulated and rolled over and over into an unseen cloud.  The black cloud of my life that remained unseen until it folded in on itself and began to follow the air's current like water follows the grade of the land.  The current of air through the intake slot and filter of my C-Pap machine was just strong enough to usher the undulating black cloud into the machine that provides the continuous positive airway pressure which allows me to sleep peacefully.  The black cloud rode the air that was compressed and forced into my sleeping body until it totally coated me on the inside.  When I woke up, I opened up my eyes.  Black.  I rubbed my eyes and
made exaggerated efforts to raise my eyebrows to open my eyes.  Black. The explanation was blindness.  I went blind in my sleep.  No one ever suspected that it was the worries that kept me from seeing the morning light.  They are all trapped within me still.  An interior coating my body can not expel.





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