Getting accustomed to driving
my car was not difficult even though it has to be shifted and clutched to get
there. On the way out of the parking garage, though, I experienced
muscle spasms in the good arm due to the constant right turn action exiting the
garage from the roof level. I couldn’t put the money in the drawer to pay the
parking attendant and had to hang out the window to reach with my right arm. The
same thing happened at the drive-in teller the next day except this time I
pinched my upper triceps between the cast and the car door on the way back in.
I ho Even the simplest day to day activities become a chore particularly when the task is normally done with the affected appendage. I’ve already covered the writing issue. I have found that printing is a little bit easier than cursive so I carry a lot of crossword puzzles around with me, just in case. The only other fine motor skill I utilize my left hand for, that I am willing to discuss, is brushing my teeth. I have determined that brushing my teeth with my right hand increases drooling. I suppose if I use a brush... For some reason it is now a messy proposition to wield the dental implement. I think maybe, the “off” hand is unaccustomed to this action thus pushing the lower lip out of the way during the cleaning event. This creates the white drool. There is no other explanation for this phenomena and it doesn’t seem to be improving. I now don a “Red Lobster” bib while performing this hygienic chore. You can forget about flossing, too. You just can’t do it if both hands don’t reach the mouth. I tried flossing and managed to flick my glasses off my face. I then attempted flossage with one hand. It might have worked if I had gaps like David Letterman or Alfred E. Neuman. I however am closely gapped and gum reachage proved to be fruitless. I’m not bragging, just stating the facts, ma’am. I am told there is a one hand flossing implement you can purchase at any drug store. I guess it’s not paramount in my mind to look for while running errands because as of yet I have relied solely on the toothpick. My six month oral cleansing event is fast approaching. I fear plaque build-up and dental ridicule. |
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