After Plush, we decided we were starving! We headed down to Mac’s
Café. Mac’s is a little Scottish Pub/Restaurant, just
north of the Basso Bean. We snagged a table relatively quickly,
and just as we were ordering drinks, The Editor saw Hedwig out of the corner
of her eye. He was hard to see, because he wasn’t wearing his wig,
but OMG there he was! He was sitting at a table with his band members
and his lady friend. Although he was still in full makeup, his mannerisms
were different, he was just a guy having dinner and drinks, winding down
after a GREAT jam session. I begged the Editor to let me sneak over
and talk to “Hedwig,” but she reminded me that it would be sort of rude
of us to interrupt his dinner. We agreed to wait to talk to him until
he finished eating. However, in a few moments after this, we saw
2 guys and their girlfriends just walk up to Hedwig and start chatting
with him.
“Damnit," I said, "they got to Hedwig before we did!” I was thinking these were fans, and here I was sitting at my table, wasting valuable time, while somebody else was chatting up my Hedwig! My goodness, I was getting excitable. Just then, the guys started pulling up chairs to join Hedwig’s table. I was livid! “How dare they get to have dinner with Hedwig," I thought furiously, "when I could have beaten them to it!” One of the “fans” approached our table (because we had 2 extra chairs), and thinking quickly, I said “I’ll give you our spare chair, if you let me get a picture with Hedwig.” The guy said “Oh no problem, he’d love to meet you,” and thus I snagged us an introduction with the man himself! YAY!
It turns out the 2 guys and their girlfriends were the band members all
along, not really crazy fans like me. HA HA! But in any case,
we got the picture. I complimented Hedwig on his singing and his
acting. Then he introduced us to the entire group. He even
invited us to pull up a chair and enjoy dinner with him. However,
at this point, there wasn’t much room at the table, and my old table was
starting to look cozier by the minute. I thanked Hedwig for his hospitality,
but declined the invitation. We made sure to give him a Voyeur flier,
and promised to attend his upcoming play. Ah, my dear Hedwig, this
was the highlight of the evening for me. I’m not sure why, but it’s
such a rush to get up close and personal with a famous person, even if
he is local. ;)
The Editor and I dined together then left Mac’s to explore the rest of
the Hop. Most of the shops were closing, but we did manage to check
out a few funny cards at Kukulas. We were quite pleased with
ourselves, and the Hedwig affair. Contented, we left the Hop behind
and went home to dream...
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