8/15/2006 |
Oh Joel!
I absolutely ADORE what you have done with the
Issue! It is magnificent! Stupendous! So perfectly,
You have a true gift for magazine editing, and photo placement, NOT TO MENTION
you are gorgeously stunning in your outfits. I'm so awed by this issue!!!! It's
he new magazine is up
VSGal: I'm reading avidly ;-D
Jim: AHhh! :-)
VSGal: IT ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!
Jim: Yeah it does
VSGal: love it
VSGal: love it
Jim: It's very nice
VSGal: so perfect.
VSGal: I absolutely love the blue poem by Christopher Olive
Jim: I haven't read it yet
Jim: I been helping with the tech part ;-)
VSGal: oh right
VSGal: it's ok you have time
Jim: Your pics came out very nice though
VSGal: I had a good photographer (hee hee)
VSGal: but seriously, it's all just random photos until Dreama puts it all
Jim: Yeah
VSGal: she is amazing!!!!!
Jim: She's got a good eye for it!
VSGal: hells to the ye-ah
VSGal: Dreama looks so devilishly sexy in Blue dresses
Jim: Yeah she does
VSGal: sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet
VSGal: we should do a pink issue?
VSGal: I don' t know if I could do a yellow one, I look terrible in yellow
Jim: I was just thinking
VSGal: yeah?
VSGal: ooh or GREEN
Jim: We should do all the colors in the rainbow. ROYGBIV
Jim: We got R and B covered heheh
VSGal: hells yeah
7/22/2003 |
Sent in by our faithful fan Reeses :-)

Sent in by our own Jim :-)

Cool site, I love the spin and freedom of the
articles. I only wish I could get into the "bottom drawer " .....
Quick link to
happened upon your website by a neighbor who had emailed me about the "New Rome
Sucks" site.
Living in Lincoln Village North I know all about "the speed trap."
Anyway, once inside your site I was completely blown away! This is the first
website that I have come across that can truly be considered ART! It's like
this performance art thing happening right there on my computer screen! Truly
creative, avant-garde, and insightful.
And at times slightly twisted...
Thank you. You made my morning. I will certainly pass on your site to other
people who would appreciate your perspectives. I have added your site to my
"Favorite Places" and hope to be further enlightened. Keep up
the good work!
Quick link to NEWROMESUCKS
2/21/2002 |
was speaking to Jim last night on the computer regarding your website, in
particular your stories and pictures. I told him that I thought you were a
wonderful photographer, and writer. Your story [I SAW RED] about the car accident blew me
away, especially the last sentence, and your photography has a very surreal feel
to it. Kinda haunting, very interesting. Take care, and move
forward, Alan.
Quick link to ISAWRED
1/28/2002 |
Really good content. Love the creativity and commentation. Nice partnership.
Informative with the history. Of course the models are just stunning. Where did
you get all of the cats? They add the final sexy punch!
Auntie Julie
Quick link to THEREDSPRED
1/28/2002 |
[The Voyeur] really rocks! so proud of you
girl. You have the sassy look :-) the cats were a cute touch.
Was so devastated to hear about Dave's death via Jim's article. bummer.
love ya-julie
1/25/2002 |
Jim: New
issue is up ;-)
vsgal: WOW
vsgal: YAY
vsgal: WOW
vsgal: WOW
vsgal: WOW
vsgal: WOW
vsgal: Dreama looks HOT with red hair
vsgal: WOW
vsgal: YOU GO GURL
Jim: hehehhehe
Jim: Dreama - "Ill burn the pics on CD for you and you will
get them soon. Your whole photo shoot"
vsgal: ok no rush
vsgal: I LOVE IT
vsgal: LOVE IT
vsgal: LOVE IT
Jim: hehehhehe
vsgal: your butt in those red pants
vsgal: HOT mama
Jim: Turned out really well
vsgal: oh my god
vsgal: the rave reviews are coming in
Jim: hehehhehehe
vsgal: Anne says this issue had the BEST photo shoots EVER
vsgal: James says: when is your modeling career going to
take off? can i come to Paris and visit?
Jim: Dreama "Well they were good this time!"
Jim: hehehhehehehe
vsgal: he says: the camera loves you
vsgal: he says: need a bigger tattoo
vsgal: he said
vsgal: his ass is so pretty
Jim: his?
vsgal: ruh roh I don’t know who he meant
Jim: hahahahahahhaa
vsgal: probably Dreama!
vsgal: :-D
Jim: Well darling, I'm going to go to bed. Send all comments
and suggestions to the editor ;-)
Jim: Night night!
vsgal: hee hee
vsgal: ok
vsgal: :)
vsgal: SUPERB!
vsgal: this is a RED LETTER issue!
vsgal: oh yeah
Jim: :-)
vsgal: :-D
Quick link to THEREDISSUE
9/16/2001 |
By the way... I sent
the link to your tribute to the victims to everyone on my email list.... I have
already had 6 responses from people who loved it...
Nicely done, Dreama
Quick link to SEPTEMBER 11, 2001
Quick link to SEPTEMBER
11, 2002
it's Mindy. I got a chance to drop by the Voyeur today and
wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed it. Pride photos were great. Take
Quick link