POLITICSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15                                                                                                                                  

Homosexuality is primarily, if not exclusively, presumed to be immoral for two reasons: religion based opinions & evolutionary purposes.  

Evolution, like religion, is a theory. The difference between the two is; religion is a theory because although it cannot be proved to be false, it also cannot be proven to be true -- whereas although evolution is a theory, because it cannot be proved to be false, it is also a fact, because in numerous cases it has been proven to be true.

So, my position is based on an evolutionary stand point since it can be considered as a fact, but I will take into consideration a religious view on homosexuality, as well.

For evolutionary purposes, species of all kind -- anything that is alive, humans, animals, plants, cells -- even the earth -- is evolving. And...unless something is a clone of a single thing producing it, then it is a mutation. This is important to note: that as far as evolution is concerned; we are all mutations of the ones before us.

Even religion evolves. If the bible is alive and changing. . . then following logic - it is also, therefore mutating. Even as a religious person, one can not ignore that evolution is happening. Even if, to this person, both religion and evolution are believed to be true, evolution itself cannot be left out of the equation.

Whether god is the creator of evolution, or the big bang is the beginning of life and evolution, or something we could never understand -- we cannot say that evolution does not occur.


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