POLITICSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15                                                                                                                                  
The world is seriously overpopulated and it is destroying this planet. This is another fact that one cannot ignore. Humankind, across the world, will not stop reproducing. So, the argument that homosexuals cannot reproduce and therefore are not a benefit to this world, immediately seems like a benefit to me. This argument against homosexuality is posed from both a religious and evolutionary standpoint. However, if homosexuals cannot reproduce then it follows that there will be less children being born. I understand that if no children were ever born again our species would die off -- this is a given. However, what the above argument fails to recognize, is that, yes homosexuals cannot not reproduce - on accident. This does not mean that the women are barren or that the men do not have sperm.
So, even if the entire world were to become homosexual -- we can presume that there would still be doctors -- they could still have artificial insemination performed.


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