POLITICSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15                                                                                                                                  

This would not only slow down the rate of children being born everyday, but there would also more likely be children who were born to parents who really thought about whether or not they wanted a child.  Being not

only the steps the parents would have to go through in order to get pregnant, but also the cost of the procedure itself. This also ups the chances of the children being brought up in good homes, because they were not an accident, or a surprise, on any level. Homosexual parents would be choosing with intent of bringing a child into this world. In my opinion, so far, this all bodes well for our species. Children who are wanted = a greater likelihood of better balanced children which = a better future. Also children being born at a slower rate = less strain on our planet for space and resources.

But I’m not even saying that homosexuals would have to take over the world, for homosexuality to benefit mankind.  I am simply pointing out that I do not see how homosexuals not being able to reproduce without intending to is a bad thing.


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