POLITICSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15                                                                                                                                  

Which brings me to, from a religious viewpoint that homosexuals are acting out of sin because they are using their bodies as an object instead of the intended purpose of procreation. This is similar to the above argument, but different because it brings about other questions, such as, is masturbating wrong?

What about women who are heterosexual and married, but who are barren -- can they still have sex? What about all the times heterosexual people have sex for fun, without any intent of procreating? What about contraceptives? Or what about a married heterosexual couple in their 60s who are still sexually active but are not able to procreate anymore? Or what about a newly married heterosexual couple who simply does not want kids -- so the man gets a vasectomy to prevent them from having children -- is this sinful? The act is the same. It is having sex without the intent, or ability to procreate -- yet it is looked at so drastically different. Why is that? Why do we not have protests and laws against letting a man who’s had a vasectomy get married and have sex?
We don’t stand on the corners with signs telling him he is sinning or going to hell or strip him of his basic rights as a human being. 

Maybe in some instances it could be argued that it is because of the fact that heterosexual couples, often times, are having sex within the sanction of marriage. However, how can one fault a homosexual couple for having sex outside of marriage, when marriage is not even a legal option? So, even if a homosexual couple may agree with this claim, that sex outside of marriage is immoral, they don’t even have to opportunity to act morally. Not even according to their own standards, let alone anyone else’s. This point also seems to be overlooked, that even if the world as a whole agreed that sex was only moral within the unity of marriage -- then homosexuals, by law in this case, are forced to either act immorally, or suppress who they truly are.


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