POLITICSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15                                                                                                                                  

My last point I would like to bring up, is that often times people argue that homosexuals carry AIDS, or that homosexuals created AIDS, or that god created aids in order to kill off homosexuals. However, the flaw in this argument is that, statistically, the two highest demographics at risk for aids are gay men and African-American men. Women, across the board, come in at the lowest risk factor -- with lesbians at the absolute lowest rate. This has always been the case, during the studies of AIDS. Lesbians have always been at the lowest risk factor. So, to argue that AIDS is the cure for homosexuality, fails to consider that half of the homosexuals (the women) are at the lowest risk factor of all the demographics. The reason I point this out, is because, yes, the risk factor of a gay man getting AIDS is astoundingly high -- the highest, by far. However, men across the board are the highest, by far, regardless of sexual orientation.

This offers up a brave theory.

If in fact evolution (whether put in place by god, or interconnected chaos) has our best interest as a species “in mind” then I have to contend that AIDS is not a disease to kill off homosexuals but, instead maybe AIDS is a disease that has developed to decrease the male population. Men can create children at a much higher rate than women. So in theory, though the ratio of men to women has always been relatively close, as a species we do not really need as many men as we do women to continue humankind’s existence.

From the beginning of time, this has always been a male dominated world. Only progressively has god even been considered to be female. It is, still, to this day a male dominated world. Men are more often in positions of choice and power, which means that what happens in the world is most often in the hands of men. I realize this is not always the case, but I am asking you to look at history and look at people in positions now, that matter most to the welfare of humankind and the planet, and then think about how many of them have been, or are male.


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