ANALYSISTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15



Though it rarely happens, I have prayed a time or two to the porcelain god.  But do not misunderstand, I can hold my liquor.  It’s just back in the day hooch was a lot stronger.  They made the stuff out of car oil and gasoline.  If it didn’t burn going down it sure as hell burned coming back up.  Eventually you learn to hold it and thus born is a carouser like me.  But I digress.  In the days of going half blind from too much fun I saw a vision of the future and the porcelain god said, “I will be stylish someday – no more chains to pull or wooden cisterns to leak.  I will be gold, or black, or sequined.  And, yeh, as I walk through the valley of Kohler…


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