SKELETONSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15


One behavior I personally find fascinating is the taboo of opposite sexes in the restrooms.  I remember reading news stories about this as a kid.  There was an uprising at a corporation because a transgendered person wanted to use the restroom that went with their new sex.  People were up in arms!  As a child you were told, boys are for boys, and girls are for girls and kids knew if a boy child was in the girl’s restroom he had to be up to no good (that’s why they take the doors off right)? But in adult life, is there really that much of a problem?   

Yellow Men's Bathroom, Denny Hall, OSU                           Photo by Dreama

Wiener King, Mansfield, OH                                      Photo by Tony

I first evaluated my stance on this just out of high school when I went bar hopping with some friends. While at a gay bar, the male excused himself to go to the restroom and when he got back he said, “The men’s was full, so I used the women’s. I made sure to leave some pee on the seat for the next person.”  The pee was gross, but I thought, “Hey, that’s really being efficient.”  Why stand there for a half hour ready to piss yourself because people just won’t hurry the hell up?  It was brilliant.

Since then, I have not found this level of acceptance among straight people, however.  I talk about this all the time and have used men’s restrooms in gay bars myself.  But some people do not agree. 

 “I really have an issue with that,” they say. 

But I still don’t see the problem.  A while back, I was in a women’s restroom and came out to wash my hands, I heard, “How hot is the devil chic with her ass hanging out?”  It was funny.  My ass was hanging out.  This guy in gold hot pants was sitting on the couch with some other people in costumes.  Well, why shouldn’t the theatre people be in there?  Some women’s restrooms still have couches for crampy times.  Yes, it’s an old school convention but still convenient if you just want to sit down or change a diaper.  Men’s rooms don’t have anywhere to put your stuff. 

Women's Bathroom, Denny Hall, OSU                                Photo by Dreama


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