SKELETONSTOILET HUMOR 2011                                                                                                                             ISSUE 15


"While bouncing at a bar we were closing, I went on to the ladies room to make sure it was empty; there was a guy completely naked in a stall. When I asked what the hell he was doing he asked me if the two girls were still out side of the door.  I told him the bar was empty and he had to go. He explained that he did it for a bet but it had been an hour or two since he saw them. They had left as soon as they had his pants (with his wallet) and I had to kick him out into the street. He was picked up for indecent exposure."


"I was in a bar and once walked in on a woman who was passed out drunk - she had puked all over herself, but also had her pants and undies down and her bra was over her head. That was bizarre."


"I walked into a public restroom at the State fairgrounds, and there was a man standing at a urinal, completely naked, with his clothes on the floor behind him as he urinated."


"While using it in the army all of the toilets reversed flushed and 3 of us where sitting at the time, it sucked real bad."

"Just remembered when I was in the second grade I went in the girls bathroom and looked under the stalls to find an empty one. They were all empty so I picked one and when I opened the door a girl was standing on the seat with one foot on each side and it looked like she just finished buttoning her pants. I said sorry but she just jumped down and took off.  It was weird and I'm still not sure what she was doing."

Hound Dog's 3 Degree Pizza Restroom 2002                Photo by Dan
"Getting hit on by this chick-I came out of the stall and she said 'Wow you pee really fast; your pants must come right off!'"

"We were dining at this very nice restaurant in Bulgaria, and then I had to pee. The "toilet" was a porcelain-lined hole in the ground. The only way to go, was hike up my skirt, balance on high heels (not slipping on that porcelain stuff on the side), and go.  Kinda gross, trying not to splash up onto your legs if you miss the hole in the ground."


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