VSGAL: How do you grade fashion?
I must admit I am curious as often fashion is like beauty - in the eye of the
beholder. And I am the beholder! But really, my classes are performance
based. I am very observant, strict and critical. I am like an inspector
and nothing passes my hands onto the runway that doesn't meet UrbanCouture's
high standard of quality. EVM: I have recent grads in fashion programs nation-wide.
The joy it brings my kids and the strong sense of self they develop.
Watching them grow professionally and taking pride in this program is
heartwarming and amazing.
We would have an endless supply of fabric and materials and we would travel to
NY and Paris fashion weeks.
There has been some interest.
EVM: tells that you really don't know what you're doing.
For women, shoes and bags are everything! For men, shoes are a big deal, they
can dictate your style. I have a weakness for vintage cufflinks. Jackets can
also further develop your style and hats, well, be careful with
better know how to wear one.
Be yourself and your personal style will show through. Be careful of fashion
"rules" and break them with confidence.
The annual show was on
May 27, 2009 at Studio 1*five*0.
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