POLITICSGETTINDOWNTOBUSINESS2009                                                                                                                                       ISSUE 10

   Musician almost rhymes with politician.

            We weren’t just hearing it from politicians during the 2008 Presidential campaign; we were hearing it loud and clear from musicians too. With all of the recent publicity about the 2008 Presidential Election behind us, it seemed fitting for The Voyeur to find out how people feel about the use of an attentive audience to voice a musicians’ personal political views. …And ‘attentive audience’ isn’t a term used lightly… it seems that the general public is more than receptive to the voices of musicians in all music genres, especially when it comes to politics.



Bruce Springsteen performs on Ohio State University's oval, 2008.

          Marvin Gaye, widely known as a father of modern music was singing about politics with What’s Going On in 1971.  Music as we know it today has always carried political opinions. The Clash were notoriously political and most recently we’ve had Madonna bashing Sarah Palin.  Before Madonna’s comments we had the controversy of Bruce Springsteen performing for Barack Obama rallies, and before that we had the massive media coverage of the Dixie Chicks boldly disagreeing with the war in Iraq and their declining album sales.


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