ARTSEX 2012                                                                                                                                             ISSUE 16

Last summer I was invited to join the organizing board for Fierce! International Queer Burlesque Festival, (i.e. a weekend event for queer burlesque performers and their allies), as  “an artist who's heterosexual but with a queer sensibility - an ally.” 

What a great honor it was to be invited to be part of such a big and creative event.  The festival was conceived by the one and only Viva Valezz! of the Velvet Hearts in Columbus, Ohio and seeks to include all

“who identify as Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Queer, Intersex, and Ally (LGBTQIA).  Similarly, this event welcomes all of those who don’t feel that they fit into any category.  Fierce will honor the history of and diversity within the queer burlesque community – celebrating a spectrum of age, race, ethnicity, class, body type, access/ability, and gender expressions.  Fierce will provide kinship and celebration for all, and highlight the talents and contributions of queer and allied burlesque communities and performers throughout the world.”*


* Valezz!, Viva, and Fierce Org Team. "Fierce Queer Burlesque Festival." Fierce Queer Burlesque Festival. VIVA VALEZZ!    PRODUCTIONS © 2011, 8 Mar. 2012. Web. 07 Mar. 2012. <>.



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