The key to being handsome is in the habits. 

Joel's Tips for Skin Care...

The ladies always ask me, “Oh, Joel, how do you stay looking so youthful and wrinkle free?” 

Well, my darlings, some say it’s genetics, some say it’s what I put on my face, and some say it’s because I’m a night owl and stay out of the sun, but I think it’s a combination of things.   

One can never be too careful when it comes to skin care and men, especially, treat their skin horribly.  Don’t worry guys; I’m not going to ramble on about beauty.  I’m just going to state the facts and keep it short and painless.  The long and painful is for another day… 

And the fact is men get skin cancer way more often than women.  Think about all the manly things you do, like, mowing the grass, surfing, chopping wood, riding your Harley, construction work, strolling around with a gun…do you ever wear sunscreen?  You might wear a ball cap, but do you cover your ears?   

Sun screen is a must if you want to protect your skin against aging or cancer.  It’s not just the top of your head that’s important (and do you really wear a hat because you’re being cautious or because you want the sun out of your eyes?)  Sunscreen needs to be applied on the ears, neck, arms, back, and any exposed skin, yes, everywhere…even when you swim naked. 

Okay, enough about that, you’re going to wear sunscreen from now on right? Because your beloved Joel told you to right?  Good boy. 

Next we are going to talk about acne problems.  You can always go to a dermatologist, that’s probably the best thing to do.  But if you don’t have the money for that or don’t want to you can try the following.  I came across this combination of products a few years ago on some guy’s website.  So, even though all the advertisements show women, it works for men too.   

First, is Purpose: Gentle Cleansing Bar.  This doesn’t have any deodorants or moisturizers and is dermatologist approved.  Wash your face everyday, twice a day, and after you get real sweaty.   

Second, is Neutrogena’s On-the-Spot Acne Treatment.  (I’m not getting paid for this by the way, I just care about you that much.)  Instead of containing the most common product, Salicylic Acid (which basically eats your face), this product contains Benzoyl Peroxide which I find much kinder to my skin.  Though, according to Wiki, it can be explosive so keep the cigarettes to a minimum. 

Third, is Purpose: Duel Treatment Moisture Lotion with SPF 15.  See how I slipped that in there? Sunscreen, already on your face.  Why lotion? Because it helps reduce the wrinkles.

And lastly, razors.  Women’s razors can be the solution to a man’s razor burn.  Now, I know they are pink.  (But keep in mind a real man doesn’t have a problem with pink.)  Or at least find a men’s razor for sensitive skin.  Don’t just use the first razor you can reach with little effort.  If your shaving experience sucks, you’re doing it wrong.  Kind of like sex, right? 

Well, I hope this little chat has served you well.  Until next time darlings…









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